Learn strategies to gain hope and strength
during & after divorce.
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Divorce can be crushing.
When your marriage ends, you probably feel a rollercoaster of emotions – fear, sadness, panic, shame. You might worry about your children, your financial future, and your sanity.
But you don’t deserve to suffer.
Healing is possible, and you will rise again after divorce.

What to expect from joining the RISEilient community:
Finally learn how to release hurt and grief.
Reconnect with yourself and rediscover your passions and dreams.
Learn how to manage relationships and set healthy boundaries with your kids, family, friends and potential partners.
Identify mistakes you made in your past relationship and learn how to avoid repeating these mistakes in the future.
Gain skills and confidence around finances, household management, and building a supportive tribe.
Dream Big! Give yourself permission to embrace your authentic, genuine self. Feel hopeful for the adventures that await you!
Sign up for the email list and receive instant access to our free divorce recovery video series:

Welcome! I’m Lori Mazenko, licensed therapist and coach.
I know how lonely and isolating divorce can be.
When my relationship of 32 years ended abruptly, I felt like I had been hit by a semi-truck. “Christians aren’t supposed to get divorced,” I scolded myself. Yet, there I was.
Even as a therapist, I struggled moving forward in those dark times. I sought resources and support because I knew that I had to find a way out.
Well, I’m happy to tell you that God didn’t condemn or abandon me. He spoke to me with healing words through friends, Scripture, music, nature, and therapy, and ordered my steps for the future. Because of that, I’ve made it to a freer and brighter place.
With 30+ years of therapy, business and coaching experience, I’ve helped hundreds of people find solutions for complex problems, including strength and hope after divorce. That’s why I’m so excited to launch RISEilient, a resource to help you heal your heart and discover God’s plan for your life.
If you’re ready to gain clarity, grow, and experience joy again, sign up for my email list below.